5 Tips for Franchise Marketing

Franchise marketing is all around us in the world whether it’s through campaigns made by other franchise companies, television shows, or political
activists and candidates. The one thing that they all have in common is that the successful ones know how to market themselves and get more attention than their opponents. In order to succeed against other franchise companies, you must understand what makes a good franchise marketing plan and how to build one for your business. It’s not as hard as you may think if you know where to look and what to look for in yourself.

1. Know What You’re Selling

More than the product on the shelves or the services you offer, know who you are, the personality you’re selling, and the values that come with your brand name. Knowing what you sell is imperative to strong franchise marketing. To do this, you must understand how your clients are perceiving you and why they choose you over your competitors. Once you find out what your brand says to the general public, capitalize on it.

2. Know Your Target Clientele

In order to best communicate with them, you must know who your target clientele. is You do not have to only have one type of client, but you must be very specific in designing who you are speaking to in order to correctly sculpt your franchise marketing campaigns to that specific consumer-type. If you try to do coverall franchise marketing campaigns to appeal to everyone, you’re going to lose anything that makes your campaigns have shape, stand out, and speak directly to any of those people.

3. Bold and Brash Brands Get the Stage

As you plan your franchise marketing campaigns, consider the following: those who make bold statements get more press. This can be good and bad depending on what your business says. Some controversy is fine for many businesses. In fact, clients are more drawn to businesses that are less wishy-washy and have a strong beliefs. This adds personality. However, in being bold and brash, make sure you do not turn your marketing campaigns into a political statement. Stand out from ‘mainstream’ businesses by being specific. If you try to please everyone, you generally end up pleasing nobody and leaving less of an impression on everyone.

4. Believe in Your Business

If you’re going to make a bold statement in your franchise marketing campaigns, believe in who your business is. Believe in what you have to say and give it your 100%. Never do anything without committing because it will show through to the public. If you show a lack of confidence in yourself or your franchise marketing campaigns, your clientele will be able to tell in the same way that animals can sense fear.

5. Don’t Apologize for Who You Are

It’s one thing to make a big, bold statement. It’s another to receive backlash and take it all back. The only thing worse than being bland on everything is to make a statement and take it back. This makes your business look wishy-washy and you may end up losing the clients who liked you because your business stood for something. If you make a statement, stick with it unless you really, truly believe you did something wrong. Mistakes can happen in marketing, but standing up for something your business supports is not a mistake.

We are a team of franchising professionals that provide solutions for development, consultation, and expansion of businesses.

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