Own & operate an Independent Fundraising Business. Support your community while earning income from your home based business. Low investment. We offer extensive/ongoing sales, marketing & training to support your business with over 75 Dealers Nationwide. If you are active in your community and want to make a difference this is the business for you. Country Maid Fundraising helps support your local schools, retirement homes, athletic groups, and community organizations by raising money with great products. Sign up now to learn more about this GREAT Home Based, Community Oriented Business Opportunity. Don’t wait to help your community and generate income for your family!
Country Maid, Inc. was founded in 1991 in the farming community of West Bend, Iowa. Co-founders, Ken and Marlene Banwart, were blessed with six children and utilized the manufacturing and sales of Butter Braid® pastries to make ends meet when the farming market took a turn for the worst. Over the years, the products that Country Maid manufactures and the services offered through our network of Independent Dealerships, have allowed us to capture a niche in the US$3.3 billion fundraising market.
Together, we have helped non-profit groups raise over US$110 million for thousands of worthy causes across the United States! Country Maid employs approximately 70 dedicated team members. We fully staff for manufacturing needs as well as have a dedicated team focused on supporting our dealerships across the country.
Another unique aspect of Country Maid is that the company is 100% Employee Owned. This means that our team members have a greater responsibility to ensure the success both Country Maid and our dealers. Together, we focus on responsible growth to protect the interests of all stakeholders (employees, dealers, vendors, lenders) and to preserve the longevity of the company.
Co-founders Ken and Marlene Banwart have blessed Country Maid with a set of values and beliefs to use as a guide for our company today and into the future. It starts with our mission of “Helping Others Help Themselves” and ends with our guiding pillars.
Guiding Pillars
- Faith
- Integrity
- Attitude
- Discipline
- Relationships
- Growth
- Balance
We believe that alignment with these pillars will bring WISDOM. This will aid us in doing the right things, in the right ways, at the right time, with the right people, for the right reasons. It is important to share these values and beliefs with our partners in an effort to align our company with individuals who maintain a similar set of values and beliefs while embracing diversity.
Country Maid, Inc. is actively seeking an entrepreneurial-minded individual or partnership to own and operate an Independent Fundraising Dealership.
Dealership Opportunity Now Available!
By owning a dealership, you will be able to enjoy the lifestyle provided by full-time, self-employment and reap the rewards from your hard work. Country Maid provides established business systems, a business coach, and exclusive products such as Butter Braid® brand pastries to accelerate business growth.
As an Independent Fundraising Dealership, you will have the opportunity to make your mark on the US$3.3 billion dollar product fundraising industry by offering fundraising groups exclusive products and providing various services. Dealers serve as fundraising consultants to non-profit groups and work to support them in raising funds for a variety of needs.
This is a dealership opportunity (not employment). You can expect to incur approximately US$10,000 in general business start-up expenses which include initial sales, marketing, operational and product inventory needs.
Contact us today for available dealerships in your area. Call 800-610-0292 x102.