Franchise Sales Videos and Franchise Training Videos

Franchise Development and Franchise Sales have evolved to a web-based platform over the previous ten years.  With the advent of the web and the widespread acceptance of information being sent and received using the web, franchise systems have the ability to introduce franchise concepts to candidates around the world literally with a click of a button.

With this increased dependence on Internet marketing for franchise lead generation, there has been an important evolution in how information is presented over the web.  A big part of this is utilizing video over the web in order to deliver a strong presentation and communicate value to the listener.

Franchise development and franchise sales are perfect examples of where video can be enormously important to the success of a franchise expansion model.  A buyer is trying to gain an understanding for how a franchise delivers value to them and why they would choose to invest in a particular franchise opportunity.  The seller is working hard to deliver a value proposition and a reason for the buyer to move forward through the franchise sales process.  This can be difficult in some cases because the buyer has access to so much information on the web, many times they are able to make a buying decision (yes or no) without ever speaking with a representative of the franchisor.  This can be a major problem for some franchise systems, one if they don't have a good website and overall web presence in place and two if the value of the franchise isn't clear, buyers could be lost before we even get an opportunity to sell to them.

This is why franchise sales videos can be so important, it allows the franchisor a chance to deliver a sales presentation to the buyer before they speak with one another.  Here is an example from our franchise consulting firm using video to present the franchise sales process:

Franchise Sales and Franchise Development Video

Franchise training and support videos are also a good use of time and investment.  If done correctly, web-based, password protected videos can provide a franchisor the ability to deliver training to franchisees across the country or around the world with less personal time spent delivering training or time over the is consistent, standardized and documented as to what the franchisor wants the franchisee to do and the franchisee can go back to the video as many times as they need or want.

Franchise Marketing Systems has another version of a video representation, this time regarding the development of a new franchise system:

Franchise Your Business Video

The keys to a successful franchise sales or franchise training video are the following:

1. Professionalism - make sure that you have the video produced by a professional, it should look high quality, sound high quality and deliver a strong message.  People won't stand for something that looks like it was made with a camera phone!

2. Have a Strong Script in place - know what it is that you are trying to say to the viewer.  Map it out and have a game plan in place, videos that don't deliver a clear message typically are not well received and you will lose the viewer's attention.

3. Know when to "use" the video - once you have understood and defined what the video is to say to the buyer, know the right time and place to use it....people in the franchise buying process don't need to see your franchise training video!

4. Build the video in a useable format - have it on Youtube or your website in places that it can be emailed or sent to viewers with ease.

For more information on how to create franchise sales videos or franchise training videos, contact us.

We are a team of franchising professionals that provide solutions for development, consultation, and expansion of businesses.

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